Maruti Digital Internship Program

Kickstart Your Career in Digital Marketing & Web Development in Khargone

Register Here

हमारे 3 महीने के इंटर्नशिप प्रोग्राम में शामिल हों, जो खरगोन में हो रहा है। यहाँ आप डिजिटल दुनिया में एक सफल करियर के लिए ज़रूरी स्किल्स सीख सकते हैं। चाहे आपके पास पहले का कोई अनुभव हो या न हो, हमारा प्रोग्राम सभी के लिए बनाया गया है जो कंप्यूटर का इस्तेमाल करना जानते हैं।


Graphic Designing

Create visually appealing graphics for various digital platforms.


Communication Skills

Improve your ability to communicate effectively in a professional setting.


Daily Practical Learning

Apply your knowledge in real-world scenarios every day.


Internship Certificate

Receive a certificate upon successful completion of the program.

120+ Hours Work Certificate

Document your extensive practical experience.

Who Should Join

  • Students: Looking to build a career in digital marketing and web development
  • Tech Enthusiasts: Interested in learning about artificial intelligence, graphic design, and digital marketing.
  • Job Seekers: Aiming to work on real projects, build a strong portfolio, and get ready for a job in website development.

Maruti Digital



+91 8878933778


Mumbai, Raipur

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